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Information on the semester ticket application (Deutschlandsemesterticket)



In principle, the contribution for the semester ticket is compulsory and must be paid by all full-time students. Only in this way is it possible to offer such an affordable ticket (solidarity model). Even since the Deutschlandemesterticket was introduced in the summer semester of 2024, this principle has not changed.

The semester ticket is included in the semester fee and is usually paid each semester upon re-registration (transfer of the semester fee). There are cases in which you can be exempted from the semester ticket or have it refunded, for example if you are staying outside the area of validity for a semester due to your studies, e.g. for an internship or a stay abroad, or if you are on leave of absence. Distance and part-time students are generally exempt from the semester ticket. A subsequent purchase of the ticket is possible.

All information on this page is based on the current version of the student body fee regulations of HTW Dresden (Beitragsordnung der Studentinnenschaft der HTW Dresden).


Further information on the semester ticket, the area of validity, conditions and the use of MOBIbike can be found here.

The current amount and details of the semester fee can be found on the website of the Student Secretariat.
The amount for the Studentenwerk Dresden can only be refundes directly there and only under certain conditions.
The amount for the StuRa is generally non-refundable.



Application for exemption, reimbursement and subsequent purchase of the semester ticket


To submit an application, complete the application form and submit it with the necessary proof and your certificate of enrolment for the semester in question. You can find out what documents are needed as proof under grounds for exemption.

Please note the information on the respective application procedure!

You can send your application by e-mail to  (please use your HTW e-mail address if possible, as emails from external providers may not reach us)
or by post to:

HTW Dresden
Postfach 120701
01008 Dresden




You can reach us by e-mail at (please use your HTW e-mail address if possible, as emails from external providers may not reach us)

or by telephone at +49 (0)351 462 2211 during consultation hours.



Grounds for exemption


Below is a list of all grounds that entitle you to an exemption from the semester ticket for a subsequent semester, for a full reimbursement in the coming semester or a partial reimbursement for the current semester.

You will also find the relevant proof required for each ground, which you must submit together with your application for exemption/reimbursement. Proof can also be submitted at a later date if it is not yet available at the time of application.



Internship or thesis abroad

If you are doing your internship or writing your thesis outside of Germany in the next semester, you can be exempted from the semester ticket.

To be exempted, you must submit the application before the end of the re-registration period. Allow enough time for the application to be processed. Ideally, you should submit the application at the beginning of the re-registration period.

After the end of the re-registration period or if you have already paid the full semester fees, you can apply for a reimbursement. If you still need the semester ticket at the beginning of the semester, submit the application shortly before you start your internship or begin your thesis.

If you need the semester ticket again at the end of the semester because you will be back in Germany earlier, apply for a subsequent purchase.



As proof of an internship, you can either submit a copy of your employment contract or an informal letter from your internship company. Alternatively, you can fill in the 2nd page of the application form.
In both cases, the document must be signed and stamped by your internship company.

The proof must show the place of work and period of the internship or thesis!

The same applies to the thesis. Instead of a confirmation from your company, you can also provide a signature or confirmation from your supervisor or supervising professor.


Semester abroad

Are you studying abroad next semester? If you submit the application and the corresponding proof before the end of the re-registration period, you can be exempted. Allow enough time for the application to be processed. Ideally, you should submit the application at the beginning of the re-registration period.

If the re-registration period is already over or you have already paid the semester fee, apply for a reimbursement.

If you are back before the end of the semester and would like to use the semester ticket again, apply for a subsequent purchase.



As proof, you can either submit the confirmation of enrolment from the foreign university (letter of acceptance), the confirmation of admission to the ERASMUS programme, or a similar official document. A Learning Agreement approved by the foreign university also counts as proof.


International Business students

There is currently no (longer) an exception for students on a regular semester or internship abroad!


Leave of absence

If your application for a leave of absence semester has been approved before the end of the re-registration period and you do not need your semester ticket in the next semester, you can apply for exemption. You will then not have to pay for the semester ticket when you re-register.

If you are already on leave of absence, you can apply for a reimbursement.

If you need the semester ticket again at the end of the semester, you can apply for a subsequent purchase.



As proof, we require a copy of the confirmation of your leave of absence or your certificate of enrolment showing the leave of absence.



If you complete your studies during the current semester, you can receive a partial reimbursement of the semester ticket you have already paid for.



Please submit a copy of your certificate of exmatriculation as proof.


Distance and part-time studies

Distance and part-time students are automatically exempt from the semester ticket. However, it is possible to purchase the semester ticket anyway.

If you already know before the end of the re-registration period that you would like to use the ticket in the next semester, simply send an e-mail to the Student Secretariat (from your HTW e-mail address and stating your matriculation number). The ticket will then be booked for you in the system and you pay for it when you re-register. This process is possible for a single semester or, if you wish, for the entire degree programme.

After re-registration, if you have already paid the semester fee, submit an application for a subsequent purchase.


Other reasons

Students with a condition according to § 69 SGB IX are automatically exempt from the semester ticket.

Guest students are not entitled to the semester ticket and cannot purchase it at a later date.

Owning a car or another ticket (including a Deutschlandticket) are not grounds for exemption from or reimbursement of the semester ticket!



Application procedure



The Deutschlandsemesterticket is primarily issued as a digital ticket and can therefore be activated or deactivated by us on the exact day.
If you have a ticket in card format, please indicate this when you submit your application!

If you apply for a refund, we must receive the ticket by the end of the month in question (see deadlines)! You can send us your ticket by post or put it in an envelope, address it to the StuRa and put it in the university letterbox at the front of the Z building.




Please note: After re-registration or at the end of the re-registration period exemption can no longer be granted!

Please submit the application for exemption in a timely manner, ideally at the beginning of the re-registration period! It takes about a week to process the application. You must then re-register within the period, i.e. pay the remaining semester fees.

1. Fill out the application form, get the necessary proof and submit both to the StuRa. You can also submit the proof later within the re-registration period.

2 We will check your application and the validity of the proof.

3. We will send the application to the Student Secretariat, who will make the note for the exemption in the system.

4. As soon as you have the confirmation from us, you can re-register by bank transfer. You only pay the remaining part of the semester fee. Important: Update your student ID card at the card terminal in the foyer of the Z building anyway, as this will extend its validity.



A reimbursement of the amount for the semester ticket is only possible for full months. Below you will find the deadlines for the application.


1. Fill out the application form, get the necessary proof as well as your certificate of enrolment for the current semester and submit all three to the StuRa in compliance with the deadlines.

2. We will check your application and the validity of the proof.

3. We will change the status of your semester ticket in the system.

5. We will transfer the amount to your account. Please be patient. We usually send out the transfers collectively on a monthly basis, which is why it may take some time for the money to reach you.



We reserve the right to a processing time of three days.

In the case of a refund, it can make sense to already submit the application to meet the deadline, even if you do not have all the valid proof yet. We can then deactivate your ticket as a precaution so that you can still receive a refund for the requested months even if you submit the proof later.
We deactivate your ticket at your own risk. A refund can only be made if valid proof is provided.

Proof must be submitted by 15 January or 15 June of the semester in question at the latest.

Summer semesterWinter semesterAmount in Euro
until 25 February until 28 August 183,78 (6/6)
until 28 March until 27 September 153,15 (5/6)
until 27 April until 28 October 122,52 (4/6)
until 28 May until 27 November   91,89 (3/6)
until 27 June until 28 December   61,26 (2/6)
until 28 July until 28 January   30,63 (1/6)
after after   00,00 (0/0)


Subsequent purchase

1. Fill out the application form and submit it to the StuRa together with your valid certificate of enrolment.

2. We will check your application.

3. You will be asked to transfer the corresponding amount to this account:

    Account holder: Studentinnen- und Studentenrat HTW Dresden
    Credit institution: Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dresden
    IBAN: DE09 8505 0300 3120 1115 45

Please enter your name and s-number in the reference field.

The amount is calculated as follows:

Summer semesterWinter semesterAmount in Euro
until end of February until end of August 183,78 (6/6)
until end of March until end of September 183,78 (6/6)
until end of April until end of October 153,15 (5/6)
until end of May until end of November 122,52 (4/6)
until end of June until end of December   91,89 (3/6)
until end of July until end of January   61,26 (2/6)
after after   30,63 (1/6)

4. As soon as the money has arrived, we will give your application to the Student Secretariat, who will change the status of your semester ticket in the system.

Please note that it usually takes at least one week from the date of application for your ticket to be activated!




Still got questions? :)

You can find more details in our Beitragsordnung.

Send us an e-mail to (please use your HTW e-mail address if possible, as e-mails from external providers may not reach us)

or call us on +49 (0)351 462 2211 during consultation hours.


